J.C. Bach Fundraising Campaign

Anders Muskens, Canadian historical keyboardist and music scholar, will be embarking on an ambitious project to perform and record the complete solo and duo keyboard works of Johann Christian Bach (1735-1782), the youngest son of the renowned Johann Sebastian Bach and a pivotal figure in the transition from the Baroque to the Classical era: including the emergence of the nascent pianoforte. Johann Christian, often called the “London Bach” for having settled there most of his life, may be considered to have the most unusual career out of all of the Bach sons. He departed to Italy early on to focus on opera, even converting to Catholicism, and later led ambitious entrepreneurial ventures in London. Bach’s activities reshaped London musical life in the post-Handelian era: from his operas, to his celebrated performances on the pianoforte, to his commercial concert series venture with his friend and colleague Carl Friederich Abel, there is no doubt that Bach is deserving of renewed interest and appreciation. Johann Christian’s music is heartfelt, elegant, and graceful, and his witty charm greatly inspired young Mozart. During his lifetime, he was met with international acclaim across continental Europe and even the Americas, although he is seldom heard today.

To help support this project, please check out the KickStarter Campaign below.

Some selections from J.C. Bach Sonatas performed by Anders Muskens on two original 18th century keyboard instruments.

You can read more about the J.C. Bach project in the first announcement below:


Recording Vogler’s Keyboard Works


The Complete J.C. Bach Keyboard Works